Why Natural Gas Is The Chosen Energy Source
This brief article explains why natural gas is a popular choice as an energy source. Natural gas is a more environmentally-friendly fossil fuel choice compared to burning coal or oil. The natural gas emissions from a state-of-the-art facility produce approximately...
Radiant Heat vs. Forced Air
Radiant Heat vs. Forced Air: Which Is More Efficient for Your Home? Over the past few years, energy rates have increased by 4.3%. This has many homeowners looking for ways to decrease their energy consumption. One frequently asked question when it comes to...
7 Easy Tricks: How to Keep Warm in a Cold House
Tips and Tricks to Keep Warm in a Poorly Heated or Poorly Insulated Home. Maybe the boiler’s broken down and your central heating’s on the fritz, your home is poorly insulated, you’re trying to economize on heating bills, or the weather’s just awful. Whatever the...
5 Signs You May Soon Need to Replace Your Furnace
Signs To Look Out For To Know Your Furnace May Need To Be Replaced Furnaces rarely just quit with no signs of impending failure. Being able to spot these signs can help homeowners know when to repair them and when to replace them. Here is a look at some of the...
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