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Replacing Hot Water Baseboard Heaters: What to Know

Over time, hot water baseboard heaters can become less efficient or stop working correctly due to age, mineral buildup, or damage. Knowing when to replace your baseboard heaters and how to do it properly will save you money on energy bills and ensure your home stays comfortably heated.

Signs It’s Time to Replace Hot Water Baseboard Heaters

There are a few clear signs that indicate your baseboard heaters need replacing.

  • Frequent breakdowns – If your heaters are breaking down continually and repairs are no longer doing the trick, it’s probably time for new ones. Old baseboard heaters can wear out after 15-30 years.
  • High energy bills – If your energy usage seems excessive even when you’re not actively using heat, faulty baseboard units could be to blame. Upgrading to new, more efficient models can reduce bills.
  • Visible corrosion – Check your baseboard heaters for rust, mineral deposits, and other visible corrosion, which reduces performance. Heavily corroded units should be replaced.
  • Lack of temperature control – The inability to control room temperatures via thermostats points to baseboard heater problems. Newer models provide better temperature regulation.
  • Noise – Clanking, banging, or buzzing coming from your baseboard heaters could signal a replacement is needed.

Choosing New Hot Water Baseboard Heaters

Several things must be considered when choosing new baseboard heaters.

  • Output – Match your new heater’s output BTUs to the space size. A unit that’s too small won’t heat sufficiently.
  • Efficiency – Look for newer models with higher efficiency ratings to maximize energy savings.
  • Size – Check that the new heaters will fit in the same space as your old ones. Measure carefully.
  • Features – Consider programmable thermostats and zone control options for better temperature regulation.
  • Brand – Choose a reliable brand known for quality and performance.
  • Cost – Contact an affordable and reliable heating company like All A’s Plumbing & Heating in NJ to find the best value. Energy savings can offset higher upfront costs over time.

Installation Tips

Proper installation ensures your new baseboard heaters work correctly and efficiently.

  • Carefully remove old baseboard heaters and prep the area for the new install. Patch walls or floors as needed.
  • Before mounting new heaters, read manufacturer instructions for required clearances and weight load capacities.
  • Bleed air out of the system thoroughly, or the new heaters will not heat properly, even if operating correctly.
  • Ensure piping to new heaters is the proper size and the slope allows water to drain back to the boiler.
  • Insulate the piping well to prevent heat loss before the water reaches the heating unit.
  • Follow all local building codes and permit requirements for heating system upgrades.
  • Test thoroughly and allow several heating cycles to ensure the new baseboard heaters work as expected.

Contact the Experts

For New Jersey homeowners considering upgrading baseboard heaters, turn to All A’s Plumbing & Heating. The expert technicians can assess your current system, recommend new heaters that are best for your home, handle the complete installation, and ensure your new hydronic heating system works perfectly for years of cozy winters.

Contact All A’s Plumbing & Heating today for your baseboard heater replacement in New Jersey.